Here are some tips for getting the most out of each template.
When to choose this template: When you are going to be continuously adding stories or "what's new" type of features (this template is not meant for one-off items). Articles are dated and categorized, so the visitor can search for related content. If you want to use this template, please contact
When to choose this template: When you are writing about one topic, and don’t need one of the specialty templates. This is the most generic page layout.
Title: Give the page a brief, descriptive title. Use an ampersand for "and" and use title case.
Image: This is an optional image (also called the "hero image") that appears at the top of the page
Lead paragraph: Put the first line of the content or a brief description of what the visitor will find on the page here.
Page content:
Put the bulk of the information here.
Feature boxes: Pull out important information that relates to the whole page. The feature boxes ("sidebars") display below the rest of the content on tablet and mobile views. Put contact information, maps, links to related webpages, documents or external websites, photos, buttons.
When to choose this template: When you have several related topics to cover. This is a more robust template than the Basic template. It has up to three tabs that can be used to organize your content into subtopics. (If you need more than three tabs, you might need child pages; please contact webhelp.)
Title: Give the page a brief, descriptive title. Use an ampersand for "and" and use title case.
Lead paragraph: Put the first line of the content or a brief description of what the visitor will find on the page here.
Short page content: Use this field to expand on the topic of the page if needed.
Tab headings: Make these short and descriptive (one or two words each); don't let the heading go over to two lines; put the headings in sentence case.
Tab content: Include only content that's relevant to the subtopic. The feature boxes are visible regardless of which tab is open.
Feature boxes: Pull out important content that relates to the whole page. The feature boxes ("sidebars") display below the rest of the content on tablet and mobile views. Put contact information, maps, links to related webpages, documents or external websites, photos, buttons
When to choose this template: When you provide a clinic or service. This template is mandatory for clinics, services or programs that see patients. It has up to three tabs that can be used to organize information that your patients need about their visit as well as customized, mandatory feature boxes and optional feature boxes.
Editorial note: We have developed a detailed guide for the clinic and referral templates. If you are editing or creating a clinic page, please follow the guide: How to write for the clinic template.
Title: Put the short name of the clinic or service using everyday vocabulary. Use an ampersand for "and" and use title case.
Summary line:
Briefly and clearly state what patient service the clinic provides, using the active voice, for example: "We provide . . ."; "We treat . . .".
Mandatory feature boxes:
The Referrals, Finding us and Quick links feature boxes appear on the clinic template and cannot be changed. Please see the guide for how to edit these boxes.
Optional feature boxes: Use these boxes for discrete information that relates to the clinic or service, such as clinic introduction brochures, patient handouts, lab test instructions, etc.
When to use this template: When you have an event you want to publicize. It has space for a photo and description of your event as well as feature boxes on the right for the date, time, location and contact details. If you want to use this template, please contact webhelp.
Title: Use the actual event title for the page title. Use title case.
Page image: This is an optional image for the page.
Image caption: If you use an image, give the image a caption.
Page content:
Provide a brief description of the event, including the purpose of the event.
Mandatory feature boxes: The Date & Time and
Location & Contact Info feature boxes appear in the template and cannot be changed. Please fill them out completely.
Optional URL feature box: This feature box will automatically create a
Register button that you can use to lead people to a service that will allow them to register for the event. To create the button:
Type the web address: Give the full url of the registration website
Type a description: Use the word "Register"
Editorial note: There is no need to repeat information. For example, you don't need to put the date and time in the body content as well as in the Date & Time feature box.
When to choose this template: When you have a collection of media (photos or videos) that is related and needs to be displayed visually. The items in the gallery can be filtered by categories at the top of the page. This template is especially good for displaying a series, for example, a sequence of images about handwashing. If you want to use this template, please contact webhelp.
Once the template is in place on your site, you will need to edit the list that populates it. Please follow the guide: Managing gallery lists.
Each item in the list should have a photo and headling. It can also have a blurb and internal link to more information.
When to choose this template: When there is a related clinic or service page that requires a referral form and specific process. A referral page does not exist on its own; it is always linked to a clinic or service. It has a place for basic introductory text, an area to upload a referral form (if you have one) and space to outline a simple step-by-step-process for referrals.
Editorial note: We have developed a detailed guide for the clinic and referral templates. If you are editing or creating a clinic page, please follow the guide: How to write for the clinic template.
Use the exactly the same title as the related clinic or service, and add the word Referral (helps make the page findable in seaches)
Lead paragraph:
Briefly explain the process if needed, for example, if there is more than one form to choose from
Page content:
Ignore unless needed for a longer explanation of the process
Referrals form content:
Insert link to the referral form
Referrals process content:
Set out the process step by step. You can style the steps using the Steps option in the editing ribbon.
Feature box: Add a feature box called
Fax number (if faxing the form is part of the process)
Editorial note: There is no need to repeat information. For example, you don't need to put the fax number in a step and in the feature box, or link to the same form in two different places.