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Roles & Responsibilities

Hundreds of team members maintain PHSA websites with support from Communications and IMITS.

PHSA websites follow a distributed authorship model, meaning the staff who know the content are responsible for creating and maintaining it on their site.


  • Editor – staff member who creates, posts and updates content within assigned sections of the website. They’re involved with the “hands-on” work of writing, uploading content , reviewing information  for accuracy, and ensuring documents are correctly maintained on a regular basis. 
  • Content Owner – staff person who is ultimately accountable for the accuracy and timeliness of the content within their section(s) of the website. Usually, this is a supervisor, program/department head or manager. 
  • Subject matter expert - staff member who is knowledgeable about a topic, and reviews web content to ensure it's correct. An example is a physician who reviews web content for its medical accuracy.  
  • Communications representative – staff person who is responsible for the strategic communications for a program, including the program website. Often the first point of contact for editors and content owners who would like to request major changes to their website. Find out your program’s communications representative (internal link). 
  • Web strategy team (Communications)  – team responsible for oversight and strategy for all of PHSA’s websites. Email us at
  • IMITS web solutions team – team responsible for the technical aspects of the website. 

Detailed responsibilities 

‎Editors should 

Editors should not:  

  • Add or delete pages.
    Please contact for assistance.
  • Edit pages that don’t belong to them, including the homepage and level one pages.
  • Make major content changes (headers, new sections, etc.) or request structural changes without first flagging for content owner.
  • Oversee and approve the content that editors create, ensuring that it is user-first, relevant, respectful and meets web accessibility standards
  • Ensure that there is one editor or more for their section at all times, with capacity to perform the duties of the role.
  • Respond to questions about their section in a timely manner.  
  • ‎Be the first point of contact for editors and owners inquiring about major web projects. 
  • Maintain the editor and owner lists for their program website.
  • Oversee the homepage and other key webpages on their website. 
  • Upload news releases and stories to their website. 
  • Spearhead and participate in web governance committees with senior leadership. 
  • Create and maintain the content strategy for their website with assistance from
  • Approve and manage the use of their program brand and logo on auxiliary websites.  
  • Provide online training for staff who want to become web editors. 
  • Give editing access to editors who pass training. 
  • Deliver resources to help editors and owners create good web content, including:  
  • Offer best practices, strategy and guidance to web questions from editors, owners, communications representatives, and PHSA staff. 
  • Help communications representatives with edits to the homepage and level one pages. 
  • Provide senior leadership with a framework to create and maintain web governance committees and website goals. 
  • Work with IMITS to maintain the technical aspects of the website.
  • Form the overall vision for the content and design of PHSA websites. 

SOURCE: Roles & Responsibilities ( )
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